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Is psychotherapy really confidential?

Psychotherapists registered and accredited with national bodies such as BPC are required to adhere to a code of ethics and practice which requires a particularly careful approach to confidentiality. Issues you discuss with your psychotherapist at Mindmatters are governed by these codes of ethics and practice. All verbal and written information, which you share with us, is carefully protected to ensure no-one else has access to it.

Ros adheres to the following codes of professional ethics and practice:

Mindmatters is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office and complies with their regulations. This means that personal information is stored securely and confidentially, and is not made use of for marketing purposes. Except in unusual circumstances, we will only contact you in reply to your direct enquiry.

Is there research evidence that psychotherapy works?

Talking therapies are understood to be effective in treating a wide range of psychological problems, sometimes in conjunction with suitable medication. There is research evidence that psychodynamic psychotherapy and Mentalization Based Therapy are effective in treating depression, anxiety, eating disorders and some personality disorders.


Mindmatters undertakes not to allow individual or social prejudice about age, ethnicity, race, nationality, disability, social, economic or immigration status, lifestyle, gender identity or gender reassignment, sexual orientation, religious or cultural beliefs to adversely affect the way we work and relate. Please ensure that we are aware of any special needs or requirements.

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How to contact me:
Telephone: 077 6391 6877

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BACP logo
GASI logo

Data Protection Regulations (Storing and Processing of Data)

Within the UK, General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are in effect and therefore I am required to obtain your consent to hold and process your data and, when necessary, to contact you. I need to store your data to be able to carry out standard administrative tasks and to ensure that you receive the benefits of your relationship with Mindmatters Therapy. I would like to assure you, that I will never give, sell or rent the data that I hold to other organisations to be used for their own business. I count on you to help me to comply with these regulations.

The confidential information that I hold about you, gathered in the course of your involvement with the Mindmatters may include your name, address, date of birth, telephone number(s), email address, video conferencing contact details, appointment times, date your involvement started and date your involvement closed and agreed fees. In some circumstances I will also confidentially record GP name and address or contact details of other regularly involved helping professionals. In exceptional circumstances and where applicable, I also may hold copies of any letters that I might send either to you or another helping professional involved in your care (e.g. a GP) in the course of your involvement with Mindmatters. I do not keep copies of any emails, text messages etc but instead routinely delete these within a few months of them being sent.

I take all necessary steps to protect your privacy; it is a matter that I take great care of. If you would like information about how I protect your privacy please ask me for further details. I am annually registered with ICO.

In cases of crisis or emergency which impact my capacity to work, I may need to involve other professionals or organisations to provide services to you. For example, in the unusual circumstance where I was unexpectedly unable to provide appointments, or unable to contact you about a cancellation, I have two colleagues (clinical executors) for my practice who would (under those circumstances only) have access to your data. They would then be responsible for contacting you about the situation and to make suitable arrangements for you. Under those circumstances, I require them to safeguard your personal information with the same degree of care that I do.

During the course of your involvement with Mindmatters Therapy, you may be making online payments to my bank, and may have allowed your name to be part of the payment reference. In this instance your name appears on my online bank statement. If we have exchanged messages online or by phone then your name, email address(es), phone number(s) and video-conferencing address are stored on my computers and phone. Each of these pieces of equipment are password protected and kept as securely as is practically possible.

If you would like to change your details or have a copy of the information that Mindmatters Therapy holds about you, please ask. To give Mindmatters Therapy your consent to hold and process your data, and (when necessary) contact you by email, telephone, or post, you will need to sign and date (both boxes) and return the form to me.

After the conclusion of our work together, your data will continue to be stored securely (usually for seven years before being safely deleted). In some circumstances, your data may be retained for a longer period of time before secure deletion. It is not usual practice for a therapist or supervisor to contact a client or supervisee for any reason following the conclusion of our work.