Working online & by phone

Circumstances may mean we work together either through a computer connection or by mobile phone. Providers we might typically use are Zoom, Skype, and WhatsApp.

Guidance for online/phone working

Image and audio quality will be affected by the speed of your access to the internet, and a number of other factors such as the overall level of electronic traffic while you are making the call. You will notice some variation day-to-day. To help with this you might consider using a network cable rather than relying on your wi-fi.

Both for technical and therapeutic reasons, it is strongly recommended you use your computer/phone in a room where you can be sure of privacy, low levels of background noise, and where there is a good level of natural or artificial light.

If at all possible, please employ a device that is only used by yourself.

Give yourself a few minutes prior to the appointment to set up your equipment and the application we are using.

Close all other applications before making your call via Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or mobile phone.

Skype page image
How to contact me:
Telephone: 077 6391 6877

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