Jungian Analysis

For some of us, more frequent, regular appointments can help to co-create a particularly safe space, enabling a deepening of both personal exploration and the capacity to trust. Meeting three, four, or five times per week is usually what is described as analysis. The suitability of more frequent meetings is thought about and agreed together by the analyst and the client. Mutual decisions about frequency of meetings can occur during the initial consultation at the beginning of psychotherapy or at any point during a once or twice-weekly psychotherapy (usually as as a response to changing needs or the development of trust).

Analysis provides a greater depth and continuity, a deeper focus on important detail, and a different ‘feel’ or sense of security and safety within individual meetings. An analysis would usually continue for at least two years or more. Fees for each analytic session are usually significantly lower than fees for a once or twice weekly psychotherapy.

For more information on Jungian analysis please look at the following link

Roselyn Abbott

How to contact me:
Telephone: 077 6391 6877

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